Friday, February 28, 2020

Feb 28th

Community Kindergarten
We have been learning to identify, build and explain 2-D and 3-D shapes.  Please ask your child if they can tell you about this learning.  Ask them to list the various 2-D and 3-D shapes that they know. 

Pink shirt day led to a lot of great conversation.  We also had a lot of fun reading books on kindness with our buddies.  Please check out our pictures!

We have also continued our work on nutrition.  Ms.  Allegro, our student teacher, is doing an excellent job in building excitement and knowledge about healthy eating.  Did you know that the Canada food guide has moved from four food groups to three?  The milk and meat group have been combined into one group called the “Protein group.”  

Finally, we have continued on with literacy.  We covered the letter Kk in our printing journal.  Please continue to work with writing with your child at home.  They are becoming much more independent in s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the words out loud and then writing down the beginning, middle and end sounds that they hear.

French Immersion:
 We have learned all about 2D shapes this week. We have also been working on putting shapes together to create pictures and artwork. Can your child tell you all about shapes in French?

 We are working on singing our Alphas together to read words we are writing. Can your child identify some French sounds in their Library books this week?
Dates To Remember:

Friday, February 28th- PM kindergarten attends
Monday, March 2 - Library book exchange for Mrs. Laser and Mrs. Pires
Friday, March 6 - AM kindergarten attends
March 17th- Green Day - WEAR green, EAT green, BE green (good to the environment!)
March 19th and 20th- Parent - Teacher Conferences
March 20th- No school for kids
March23rd- March 27th- Spring break, no school.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Feb 6th

February 6th 

Community Kindergarten

This week, we truly immersed ourselves in the French Canadian culture. We are so lucky to be able to learn about this Canadian celebration and how the French Canadian communities enjoy winter. We started the week by making our very own effigie of Bonhomme. Please keep this memento from Carnaval. Every year they are at Tuscany, your child will be adding to their effigie collection.

On Tuesday, we enjoyed our time building an ice castle and eating delicious maple syrup at Cabane a Sucre. We did some writing to describe how the maple candy tasted. We then finished off the week with two “design thinking” challenges and thought about how we could design our own Bonhomme banner. Ask your child what they designed with their Gingerbread House around Carnaval. 

Thank you for all the work you continue to do at home with home reading. We can’t believe how far the students have come in only 2 weeks! A friendly reminder that home reading books must be returned to school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure you keep the books, fry word list, and log books inside their home reading bags. Thank you!

French Immersion:
This week has been a very busy and exciting week. We learned all about Carnaval and had so much fun building an ice castle and creating a classroom banner for our parade next week. What was your child’s favorite part about Carnaval?
We are asking that every family send in a family photo. This can be multiple photos or just one, whatever is easiest for you. Next week we will be starting our “Family unit” and we are hoping that by the end of this unit all students will be able to talk about their families in French and do a small presentation. 

Carnaval de Tuscany Information:

Friday February 7 | Carnaval Winter Sports Day   
(P.M. Kindergarten attend, although A.M. children may attend if accompanied by an adult.  Please note that our Spring Sports Day in May will be during an A.M. Friday morning)

Students will engage in outside activities associated with winter. Some important items to note are listed below:
  • Carnaval Winter Sports Day 9:30 - 11:30
  • Volunteer sign up: Please refer to you child’s grade blog
  • Please ensure that your child or children are dressed for an extended period of time to be outside
  • Bonhomme will be making an appearance during the Sports Day 

Dates To Remember:

Friday, February 7th - P.M. class attends  
Winter Sports Day - Please dress your child for the weather!  Four volunteers per class are needed. 
A.M. students may attend the sports day (9:30 to  11:30) if they are accompanied by an adult
Monday, February 10 - Library  Book Exchange for Mrs. Laser and Mrs. Pires
Wednesday, February 12 - Valentine’s Day Celebration - If your child would like to bring Valentine cards for their classmates please write to “My Friend” and From _________(your child’s name)

Mrs. Laser A.M. class - 16 students
Mrs. Laser P.M. class - 17 students
Mrs. Pires class - 15 students
Mme. Chelsey A.M. class - 18 students
Mme. Chelsey P.M. class - 17 students
Mme. Lisa Class - 18 students
Thursday February 13th and Friday February 14th - NO school (Teachers Convention)
Monday, February 17  - NO School (Family Day)