Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 12th

March 12th

Community Kindergarten

We have continued to learn about nutrition.  The students are so eager to call out which food group their snack belongs to while they eat.  It’s so cute to hear, “Grains!”  “Proteins!”   “Fruits and Vegetables!” or “Sometimes Food!” while they are eating their snack.  We even wrote a letter to “Junk Food Janet” about why she needs to be healthy.  Please ask your child what their advice was.

The children are learning so much about what it means to be healthy.  They have had a lot of fun exploring the gymnastics equipment.  We have heard many comments about how strong they are  and how “easy” it is because they have their own gymnastics lessons. 

In Math, we are working with dice.  The children are quick to subitize a dice, but many could use some extra practice with number formation and sequencing.  We will work on this more next week.  

French Immersion:

This week in French Immersion we have begun learning the names of different fruits in French and discussing ways of being healthy.  We have also been talking about the Circle of Courage.  

In math we have begun sorting numbers from lowest to highest and really practicing writing our numbers in the correct direction. 

Fun Socks!

Thanks so much to everyone for sending in a pair of white socks.  A tip was passed onto us about setting the colors; putting some salt in the water for a quick soak BEFORE you put them in the wash is helpful.

Dates To Remember:

Friday, March 13 - PM kindergarten attend
Monday, March 16 - Library Book Exchange for Mme Chelsey
March 17th- Green Day - WEAR green, EAT green, BE green (environmental awareness!)
Wednesday, March 18 - library book exchange for Mrs. Laser and Mrs. Pires
March 19th and 20th- Student led canceled
March 20th- No school for kids
March23rd- March 27th- Spring break, no school.

Friday, March 6, 2020

March 5th

March 5th

Community Kindergarten
This week, we continued our work on nutrition and are learning more about the different food groups. Ask your child what they would include in a “superhero power breakfast.” They should know all about proteins, fruits and vegetables, and grains. In Math, we started our measuring unit. This week we measured our stuffies using non-standard measurements.

We continue our work on printing practice. We are slowly learning how to stretch out our words to recognize all the sounds we hear. 

French Immersion:

 This week we have worked on the difference between the sound “B” and “P”. We brainstormed words that have those sounds, and listened to see if we could hear them in the beginning, middle and end of certain words.
We are also studying the Circle of Courage. We discussed how we are becoming more and more independent with tasks like zipping our coats, sharpening our pencils and using strategies learned in class to figure out our numbers in French.
Dates To Remember:

Friday, March 6 - AM kindergarten attends
March 17th- Green Day - WEAR green, EAT green, BE green (good to the environment!)
March 19th and 20th- Parent - Teacher Conferences
March 20th- No school for kids
March23rd- March 27th- Spring break, no school.