Wednesday, September 18, 2019

First Kindergarten Post!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Kindergarten blog! Here we will be posting all about what we learn during the week as well as important dates and information about Kindergarten. We hope you enjoy reading all about our learning journey this year.

We have been working hard in Kindergarten. Students are getting to know routines and learning all about how to be around one another in a respectful manner. This month we read: “How to Fill a Bucket” and learned how everybody has an “invisible” bucket they can fill. We can fill a bucket by being kind, including each other in games and giving compliments. Ask your child if anybody filled his bucket this week.

In community Kindergarten, we are learning about the letter “P.” However, learning letters is only a part of what we do each day to help our language skills. Every day, we also read a different book as a class, ask questions and make predictions about a story.

In Math, we are just beginning to learn about patterns. Our Kindergarteners have been busy making ABAB patterns and learning that you can find patterns in nature, food, and all around us!

Something else we are learning about in both French and Community Kindergarten is that everybody is “unique.” Ask your child what this word means and what makes him/her unique.

In French Kindergarten, we have been busy learning all about colors. We have started with primary colors and will be moving onto secondary colors next week. Every week, we will be working on a new song that will contain vocabulary we are also working on in class. Here is our color songs from this week!


Library Books
Every week we go to the library. Students are currently allowed to take home one book and keep it for one week. Book borrowing duration will increase once students are familiar with the routine. Students must return their books if they want to check out a new one.

Sound Kreations
Our students are learning how to hip hop dance. These classes will go until the end of September.

Important Upcoming Dates:

Thursday, September 19th –Parent Teacher Conferences 2-8pm

Thursday, September 19th- Early Dismissal 8:30-12:40 (Am Kindergarten only)
Friday, September 20th- No School, Parent Teacher Conferences

Friday, September 27th Terry Fox Run - PM Kindergarten only (A.M. kinders are welcome to attend the run if they have a parent or adult to accompany them.  More information will be coming soon!)