Thursday, January 16, 2020

January 16th

January 16th

Community Kindergarten

We have been learning what personal goals are.  The children all wrote a goal that they would like to achieve for kindergarten or their future.  We are also talking about how families can have goals, which requires team-work from every member of the family.  
In Math, we have been working with tally marks to represent numbers.  We have also used dominoes, which shows how numbers can be broken into two smaller numbers.  
Our letter for this week was Hh.  The action for this letter is to pretend to sit, as the “h” is like a chair for tired people to sit on and they make the “HHhhh” sound as they sit.

French Immersion:
We have been reviewing all the sounds of our “Alphas” this week. We have been putting some letters together such as “a-m-i” and have been practicing singing them together to create words.
Our French focus continues to be “ Pendant l’hiver j’aime”. We have been practicing how to say different activities such as skating, skiing, sledding and putting them together to create full sentences.
In math, we continue to work on number bonds and how to break down numbers into smaller parts. 

Dates To Remember:
Friday, January 17th-PM Kinder
Wednesday, January 22nd - Library Exchange for Mrs. Laser and Mrs. Pyres
Friday, January 24th- AM kinder
Wednesday, January 29th - Celebration of Learning  
4:30 to 5:15 = A.M. class for Mme Chelsey, Mrs. Laser, Mrs. Pyres and Mme Lisa’s P.M. class
5:15 to 6:00 = P.M. class for Mme Chelsey and Mrs. Laser
January 31th- No school, PD day