January 24th
Community Kindergarten
This week in Social Studies
we learned all about communities. We learned about how we can have a community
with our friends as well as be part of the larger Tuscany Community. We got
very creative and actually built Tuscany Community using materials in the
classroom. We used our sounding out skills to label different buildings in
We are also learning about
Chinese New Year’s. Ask your child what they would do if they had “Sam’s Lucky
We look forward to seeing
you next week for our Celebration of Learning!
Home Reading
Home reading books were
sent out on Wednesday. Please make sure you fill out the home reading log and
return those books to school on Monday. A detailed letter of expectations and
tips for how to help your child with reading was e-mailed home.
Stuffies Day
On Monday, January 27th we
will have our first “Stuffies Day”! That means students can bring one
stuffed animal to school. We will be reading our home reading books to our
fluffy friends on this day so make sure you practice all your reading at home
this weekend!
French Immersion:
This week we have continued
our focus on number sense. We looked at how we can represent a number in a lot
of ways using a ten frame, number bonds, drawings and words. We are also focusing
on how to correctly form each number so that it isn’t backwards.
In French we are still working on the question “ qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire pendant l’hiver?” We have brainstormed a lot of vocabulary so now we are putting it to use in other activities and centers.
We look forward to seeing everyone next Wednesday for our Celebration of Learning!
In French we are still working on the question “ qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire pendant l’hiver?” We have brainstormed a lot of vocabulary so now we are putting it to use in other activities and centers.
We look forward to seeing everyone next Wednesday for our Celebration of Learning!
Dates To Remember:
Friday, January 24th- AM kinder
Monday, January 27th- Community Kindergarten “Stuffies Day”
Wednesday, January 29th - Celebration of Learning from
4:30 to 5:15 = A.M. class for Mme. Chelsey, Mrs. Laser, Mrs.
Pires and Mme. Lisa’s P.M. class
5:15 to 6:00 = P.M. class for Mme. Chelsey and Mrs. Laser
January 30th - Laser and Pires Book Exchange
January 30th - Laser and Pires Book Exchange
January 31th- No school, PD day