Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 10, 2019

October 10th, 2019

Our Week in Community Kindergarten:

We drew self-portraits and focused on the importance of adding detail to our work.  We also covered the letter X.  Please ask your child to show you the action and sound of this letter.  The highlight of the week was definitely making turkeys out of specific shapes.  We also discussed the importance of thankfulness and it was encouraging to hear how easy it was for children to come up with a long list of what they are thankful for.

Our Kindergarten Inquiry:

This year our question for the year is, “What Does It Mean To Be Healthy?”  To introduce this question to our students we have made a skit of four kindergarten teachers who never learned how to be healthy when they were young.
The characters, Nervous Nancy and Grumpy Gabby, are struggling with mental health (confidence, fear, anger, bullying and emotions).  The characters, Junk Food Janet and Lazy Lorretta, are struggling with physical health (sleep, exercise, nutrition)

Please watch this video with your child and talk about what the teachers are doing wrong.

Our Week in French Kindergarten

 We have started learning all about Fall and French vocabulary that goes with this season, please ask your child if they remember any of these words and if they can describe that happens during Fall.
 We have also introduced “Mme i”. We are working are creating each letter and then singing their sound. This week have a look in their library books with them, can they find the letter I i in their books and then sing the sound?

Song links studied this week

Les Alphas :

Dates to Remember

Friday, October 11th: No school (PD day)
Monday, October 14th : No school (Thanksgiving)
Wednesday, October 16th:  Library exchange for Mrs. Laser and Mrs. Pires
Friday, October 18th: PM Kindergarten attends