Thursday, October 3, 2019

October 3rd

October 3rd

Our Week in Community Kindergarten:

We had a lot happening this week! We were very brave performing our Sound Kreations dance in front of the other Tuscany students. 

We began the week with “Orange Shirt” day to celebrate the First Nations community. We will be learning a lot more about this community but to begin our learning journey we read: “The Sharing Circle.” Our sharing circle is a time when students get to share what they did on the weekend but also a time to work through problems with each other. In this book we learned that sometimes misunderstandings happen but by listening to one another we can understand what the other person is feeling and thinking. 

This week we also learned a new letter! We practiced the letter “M.” Now we can write the words UP, PUP and POP! See above for the action shot of Ms. Pires and Mrs. Laser demonstrating POP!

Lastly, we continued work with our patterns and did some new art activities using patterns and the 5 elements of art. 


  • Ms. Pires and Mrs. Laser’s AM students: please bring up to 3 objects that begin with the letters m, o, p, or u this Friday and Monday. For example, your child can bring a stuffy monkey, a piggy bank and a unicorn. We will be taking photographs of these objects to put on our alphabet wall as well as use the pictures to help students copy words in the writing center.

  • Don’t forget about picture day next week! 

Our Week in French Kindergarten
In French Immersion this week, we have finished our colour days, wrapping up with "L'arc-en-ciel."  We will be starting our “Planète des Alpha” program this week along with AB and ABC patterns. 
Song links studied this week

Dates to Remember

Friday, October 4th: AM Students attend (8:30 am to 12:40 pm) 
Monday, October 7th: Mrs. Laser and Ms. Pires library exchange
Tuesday, October 8 - Library exchange, Mme Lisa
Wednesday, October 9th: Picture Day 
Thursday, October 10 - Library exchange, Mme Chelsey
Friday, October 11th: No school 
Friday, October 18th: PM Kindergarten