Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 31st

October 31st, 

Our Week in Community Kindergarten:

This week, we were scientists! We learned how to make predictions and observations for our “walking water” experiment! In math, we learned all about 2D shapes and made a “shape monster.” We drew and labelled Halloween pictures and learned all about “success criteria.” For a drawing, a “success criteria” includes making sure that our drawings have lots of details, tell a story, and are colored inside the lines. Please feel free to ask your child what a “success criteria” is as we will be using this term throughout the year. On Halloween we checked out all the great work at the Pumpkin Fest and did some Math by sorting our costumes. 

Our Week in French Kindergarten
 This week we focused on how to be safe for Halloween. As a class we came up with three top ideas 1) Always stay with mom and dad 2) Never go into any house we don’t know  3) Let mom and dad check all candy before we eat it.
 We also imagined and drew a monster. We focused on including all body parts (eyes,mouth,nose,ears,arms,legs etc). We worked with a checklist to check to see if we had all the parts before moving onto our next step. We also then created our “monsters” with clay and other loose parts. 

Dates to Remember:

Friday, November 1: PD Day, No Schoo
Monday, November 4: Library Exchange for Mrs. Laser and Mrs. Pires
Tuesday,November 5th: Library Exchange for Mme. Chelsey’s class
Friday, November 8: PM Kindergarten, Early Dismissal
Friday, November 8: Remembrance Day Assembly 
Friday, November 15: AM Kindergarten, Early Dismissal
Friday, November 15: Guest Speaker AM Kindergarten
Friday, November 22: PD Day, No school 
Friday, November 29: PM Kindergarten Early Dismissal
Friday, November 29: Guest Speaker PM Kindergarten 
  • Remembrance Day: There will be two ceremonies at 9 am and 10:30 am. AM Kindergarten students are welcome to come with their parents to the ceremony. Students can sit with their parents and come up to the stage when the Kindergarteners are called up. 
  • For community Kindergarten, please bring 2 items that begin with the letters A (apple, alligator, etc) or have the letter X in them (box, fox, etc) for Monday, November 4th
  • Please also begin collecting small items that you would be willing to part but that have bright colours. We will be making a colour wheel of “beautiful stuff” with these items. Suggestions include bottle caps, tissue paper, wrapping paper, buttons, feathers, jewels, small pieces of fabric, scrapbooking paper. After collecting the items, please bring them in by Thursday, November 7th